Justine and Michael are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the home of her sister and brother-in-law. Meanwhile, the planet, Melancholia, is heading towards Earth...
Acclaimed director Lars von Trier is known for his innovative and sometimes provocative films. When Lars von Trier’s film ANTICHRIST premiered in Cannes it echoed throughout the world. The director with films like The Element of Crime, Dancer in the Dark and Dogville on his resume is currently working on his next project. Not much has been revealed but the buzz around his upcoming project Melancholia is already big. The only thing Lars von Trier has stated about his new project is “No more happy endings”. However one thing is sure, this film will stay with the audience for a long time after entering his universe.
Artišokk ahvatleb: Melancholia
Artišokk ahvatleb: Melancholia
Lars von Trier
Run time
2h 16min
Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Sutherland, Alexander Skarsgård, Charlotte Rampling, John Hurt, Stellan Skarsgård, Udo Kier
Lars von Trier
Run time
2h 16min
Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Sutherland, Alexander Skarsgård, Charlotte Rampling, John Hurt, Stellan Skarsgård, Udo Kier
Justine and Michael are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the home of her sister and brother-in-law. Meanwhile, the planet, Melancholia, is heading towards Earth...
Acclaimed director Lars von Trier is known for his innovative and sometimes provocative films. When Lars von Trier’s film ANTICHRIST premiered in Cannes it echoed throughout the world. The director with films like The Element of Crime, Dancer in the Dark and Dogville on his resume is currently working on his next project. Not much has been revealed but the buzz around his upcoming project Melancholia is already big. The only thing Lars von Trier has stated about his new project is “No more happy endings”. However one thing is sure, this film will stay with the audience for a long time after entering his universe.
Acclaimed director Lars von Trier is known for his innovative and sometimes provocative films. When Lars von Trier’s film ANTICHRIST premiered in Cannes it echoed throughout the world. The director with films like The Element of Crime, Dancer in the Dark and Dogville on his resume is currently working on his next project. Not much has been revealed but the buzz around his upcoming project Melancholia is already big. The only thing Lars von Trier has stated about his new project is “No more happy endings”. However one thing is sure, this film will stay with the audience for a long time after entering his universe.
Under 12 Not Allowed
Production year
Global distributor
Local distributor
Estinfilm OÜ
In cinema