The Father is a 2020 drama film co-written and directed by Florian Zeller, in his directorial debut, based on his 2012 play Le Père. A French-British co-production, the film stars Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss, Imogen Poots, Rufus Sewell, and Olivia Williams, and follows an aging man who must deal with his progressing memory loss.
The film was acclaimed by critics, who lauded the performances of Hopkins and Colman, as well as the production values and its portrayal of dementia. At the 93rd Academy Awards, Hopkins won Best Actor and Zeller and Hampton won Best Adapted Screenplay; the film received six nominations in total, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress (Colman).
The Father
The Father
Florian Zeller
Run time
1h 37min
Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Imogen Poots, Rufus Sewell, Olivia Williams
Florian Zeller
Run time
1h 37min
Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Imogen Poots, Rufus Sewell, Olivia Williams
The Father is a 2020 drama film co-written and directed by Florian Zeller, in his directorial debut, based on his 2012 play Le Père. A French-British co-production, the film stars Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss, Imogen Poots, Rufus Sewell, and Olivia Williams, and follows an aging man who must deal with his progressing memory loss.
The film was acclaimed by critics, who lauded the performances of Hopkins and Colman, as well as the production values and its portrayal of dementia. At the 93rd Academy Awards, Hopkins won Best Actor and Zeller and Hampton won Best Adapted Screenplay; the film received six nominations in total, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress (Colman).
The film was acclaimed by critics, who lauded the performances of Hopkins and Colman, as well as the production values and its portrayal of dementia. At the 93rd Academy Awards, Hopkins won Best Actor and Zeller and Hampton won Best Adapted Screenplay; the film received six nominations in total, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress (Colman).
Under 12 Not Recommended
Production year
Global distributor
Local distributor
In cinema