In the chaotic streets of Tbilisi, young Gonga and his cousin Bart stumble upon a suitcase filled with rusty crosses in a scrapyard. Inspired by their find, they hatch a quirky scheme to convert them into neon crucifixes and sell them door-to-door, sparking a whimsical crusade through the city’s suburbs. As their electrifying journey unfolds, the pair encounters a parade of eccentric characters, uncovering moments of humour, heartache, and unexpected connections.
Set against the vibrant backdrop of the Georgian capital, “Holy Electricity” captures the charm of everyday struggles, blending humour with a heartfelt exploration of friendship, love, and the absurd thrill of spontaneity.
Massimo Iannetti
You can read more about the Georgian special programme here - [](
Holy Electricity
Holy Electricity
Tato Kotetishvili
Run time
1h 35min
Tato Kotetishvili
Run time
1h 35min
In the chaotic streets of Tbilisi, young Gonga and his cousin Bart stumble upon a suitcase filled with rusty crosses in a scrapyard. Inspired by their find, they hatch a quirky scheme to convert them into neon crucifixes and sell them door-to-door, sparking a whimsical crusade through the city’s suburbs. As their electrifying journey unfolds, the pair encounters a parade of eccentric characters, uncovering moments of humour, heartache, and unexpected connections.
Set against the vibrant backdrop of the Georgian capital, “Holy Electricity” captures the charm of everyday struggles, blending humour with a heartfelt exploration of friendship, love, and the absurd thrill of spontaneity.
Massimo Iannetti
You can read more about the Georgian special programme here - [](
Set against the vibrant backdrop of the Georgian capital, “Holy Electricity” captures the charm of everyday struggles, blending humour with a heartfelt exploration of friendship, love, and the absurd thrill of spontaneity.
Massimo Iannetti
You can read more about the Georgian special programme here - [](
Under 12 Not Recommended
Production year
Global distributor
Local distributor
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
In cinema