To The Past

MINEVIKKU - BFM tudengite lühifilmiprogramm



Short film


Triin Ruumet, Kaur Kokk, Vallo Toomla, Jaan Penjam, Jaan Tätte jun, Raigo Saariste, Hardi Keerutaja, Eik Tammemäe

Run time

2h 14min


Maria Avdjushko, Juhan Ulfsak, Kalju Orro, Raivo E. Tamm, Hendrik Toompere jun, Mikk Jürjens, Jaan Pehk, Märt Avandi, Meelis Rämmeld, Madis Kalmet, Ago Roo, Kersti Heinloo, Riina Maidre, Helena Merzin, Jüri Aarma, Ardo Ran Varres


Baltic Film and Media School film students take you back in time – TO THE PAST.

Last fall the third-year film students received a task to search for the spirit of an era that dates back at least 100 years. It was searched from Narva and Vilsandi, bogs and swamps, manors and farms. One can meet prophets and madmen, stubborn students, tortured men and longing women, werewolves, spiders and a donkey along the way.

The leading and supporting characters were brought to life by Juhan Ulfsak, Maria Advjuško, Märt Avandi, Helena Merzin, Mikk Jürjens, Meelis Rämmeld, Kersti Heinloo and many others.

The works of the same course students have been in cinemas as short film programs “Ootamatu vabadus” (“Unexpected Freedom”) and “10 viimast Vanapaganat” (“10 Last Devils”).


Short film


Triin Ruumet, Kaur Kokk, Vallo Toomla, Jaan Penjam, Jaan Tätte jun, Raigo Saariste, Hardi Keerutaja, Eik Tammemäe

Run time

2h 14min


Maria Avdjushko, Juhan Ulfsak, Kalju Orro, Raivo E. Tamm, Hendrik Toompere jun, Mikk Jürjens, Jaan Pehk, Märt Avandi, Meelis Rämmeld, Madis Kalmet, Ago Roo, Kersti Heinloo, Riina Maidre, Helena Merzin, Jüri Aarma, Ardo Ran Varres


Baltic Film and Media School film students take you back in time – TO THE PAST.

Last fall the third-year film students received a task to search for the spirit of an era that dates back at least 100 years. It was searched from Narva and Vilsandi, bogs and swamps, manors and farms. One can meet prophets and madmen, stubborn students, tortured men and longing women, werewolves, spiders and a donkey along the way.

The leading and supporting characters were brought to life by Juhan Ulfsak, Maria Advjuško, Märt Avandi, Helena Merzin, Mikk Jürjens, Meelis Rämmeld, Kersti Heinloo and many others.

The works of the same course students have been in cinemas as short film programs “Ootamatu vabadus” (“Unexpected Freedom”) and “10 viimast Vanapaganat” (“10 Last Devils”).



For All Audiences

Production year


Global distributor

Balti Filmi- ja Meediakool

Local distributor

Balti Filmi- ja Meediakool

In cinema
