The story of “Spring” was based on a novel of the same name by Oskar Luts. It takes place in an Estonian village during the final years of the last century. It’s the story of the lives of a group of children throughout their school year, from fall to spring.
Even every knee-high boy knows the origins of the sentence: “When Arno and his father got to the schoolhouse, classes had already started.” And it’s just so, with the arrival of the main character, Arno and his father, that the story of the boys and girls of Paunvere begins.
The characters of “Spring” are known and loved by Estonians: the thoughtful Arno, the mischievous Toots, chubby Tõnisson who’s constantly eating, redheaded tattletale Kiir, blonde-headed Imelik playing his zither, his curls bouncing; Lible the wise bell ringer, Laur the kind teacher and the explosive-browbeating Sexton, or Julk-Jüri. Not to mention the fair Teele, sweet but moody, who sweeps the boys off their feet. “Spring” is a coming-of-age schoolyard story full of excitement and fun, as well as youthful contemplation over the things that really matter in life. The story centers on the main character, Arno Tali, and his experiences and his first love. Spring is a beautiful time in every sense, in nature as well as in our lives, where it is often equated with youth.
Arvo Kruusement’s interpretation respects and closely follows Luts’s original. The popularity of “Spring” extends from 1912, when Oskar Luts published the story, straight through to today. The everlasting story still continues to offer viewers the same, magnificent sensations.
Tallinnfilm 1969 / 2006
Director: Arvo Kruusement
Screenwriters: Kaljo Kiisk, Voldemar Panso
Cinematographer: Harry Rehe
Composer: Veljo Tormis
Cast: Arno Liiver (Arno), Riina Hein (Teele), Aarne Laanemets (Toots), Margus Lepa (Kiir), Ain Lutsepp (Tõnisson), Rein Aedma (Imelik), Leonhard Merzin (Professor Laur), Endel Ani (Sexton), Kaljo Kiisk (Lible), Ervin Abel (Papa Kiir), Ita Ever (Arno’s grandmother)
The restored version of “Spring” premiered in the cinema Sõprus on April 13, 2006. The restored version premiered in Palamuse during the Theodor Luts film days on August 18, 2006.
Arvo Kruusement
Run time
1h 24min
Arno Liiver, Riina Hein, Aare Laanemets, Margus Lepa
Arvo Kruusement
Run time
1h 24min
Arno Liiver, Riina Hein, Aare Laanemets, Margus Lepa
The story of “Spring” was based on a novel of the same name by Oskar Luts. It takes place in an Estonian village during the final years of the last century. It’s the story of the lives of a group of children throughout their school year, from fall to spring.
Even every knee-high boy knows the origins of the sentence: “When Arno and his father got to the schoolhouse, classes had already started.” And it’s just so, with the arrival of the main character, Arno and his father, that the story of the boys and girls of Paunvere begins.
The characters of “Spring” are known and loved by Estonians: the thoughtful Arno, the mischievous Toots, chubby Tõnisson who’s constantly eating, redheaded tattletale Kiir, blonde-headed Imelik playing his zither, his curls bouncing; Lible the wise bell ringer, Laur the kind teacher and the explosive-browbeating Sexton, or Julk-Jüri. Not to mention the fair Teele, sweet but moody, who sweeps the boys off their feet. “Spring” is a coming-of-age schoolyard story full of excitement and fun, as well as youthful contemplation over the things that really matter in life. The story centers on the main character, Arno Tali, and his experiences and his first love. Spring is a beautiful time in every sense, in nature as well as in our lives, where it is often equated with youth.
Arvo Kruusement’s interpretation respects and closely follows Luts’s original. The popularity of “Spring” extends from 1912, when Oskar Luts published the story, straight through to today. The everlasting story still continues to offer viewers the same, magnificent sensations.
Tallinnfilm 1969 / 2006
Director: Arvo Kruusement
Screenwriters: Kaljo Kiisk, Voldemar Panso
Cinematographer: Harry Rehe
Composer: Veljo Tormis
Cast: Arno Liiver (Arno), Riina Hein (Teele), Aarne Laanemets (Toots), Margus Lepa (Kiir), Ain Lutsepp (Tõnisson), Rein Aedma (Imelik), Leonhard Merzin (Professor Laur), Endel Ani (Sexton), Kaljo Kiisk (Lible), Ervin Abel (Papa Kiir), Ita Ever (Arno’s grandmother)
The restored version of “Spring” premiered in the cinema Sõprus on April 13, 2006. The restored version premiered in Palamuse during the Theodor Luts film days on August 18, 2006.
Even every knee-high boy knows the origins of the sentence: “When Arno and his father got to the schoolhouse, classes had already started.” And it’s just so, with the arrival of the main character, Arno and his father, that the story of the boys and girls of Paunvere begins.
The characters of “Spring” are known and loved by Estonians: the thoughtful Arno, the mischievous Toots, chubby Tõnisson who’s constantly eating, redheaded tattletale Kiir, blonde-headed Imelik playing his zither, his curls bouncing; Lible the wise bell ringer, Laur the kind teacher and the explosive-browbeating Sexton, or Julk-Jüri. Not to mention the fair Teele, sweet but moody, who sweeps the boys off their feet. “Spring” is a coming-of-age schoolyard story full of excitement and fun, as well as youthful contemplation over the things that really matter in life. The story centers on the main character, Arno Tali, and his experiences and his first love. Spring is a beautiful time in every sense, in nature as well as in our lives, where it is often equated with youth.
Arvo Kruusement’s interpretation respects and closely follows Luts’s original. The popularity of “Spring” extends from 1912, when Oskar Luts published the story, straight through to today. The everlasting story still continues to offer viewers the same, magnificent sensations.
Tallinnfilm 1969 / 2006
Director: Arvo Kruusement
Screenwriters: Kaljo Kiisk, Voldemar Panso
Cinematographer: Harry Rehe
Composer: Veljo Tormis
Cast: Arno Liiver (Arno), Riina Hein (Teele), Aarne Laanemets (Toots), Margus Lepa (Kiir), Ain Lutsepp (Tõnisson), Rein Aedma (Imelik), Leonhard Merzin (Professor Laur), Endel Ani (Sexton), Kaljo Kiisk (Lible), Ervin Abel (Papa Kiir), Ita Ever (Arno’s grandmother)
The restored version of “Spring” premiered in the cinema Sõprus on April 13, 2006. The restored version premiered in Palamuse during the Theodor Luts film days on August 18, 2006.
Family film
Production year
Global distributor
Tallinnfilm OÜ
Local distributor
Eesti Filmi Instituut
In cinema