In the Donbass, a region of Eastern Ukraine, a hybrid war takes place, involving an open armed conflict alongside killings and robberies on a mass scale perpetrated by separatist gangs. In the Donbass, war is called peace, propaganda is uttered as truth and hatred is declared to be love. A journey through the Donbass unfolds as a chain of curious adventures, where the grotesque and drama are as intertwined as life and death.
The „absurd, grotesque, comical – even incomprehensible – events are factual and those who experience them find it hard to believe that they are part of their lives,” says director Sergei Loznitsa, winner of the Best Director in the Un Certain Regard Competition at Cannes.
Sergei Loznitsa
Продолжительность сеанса
2h 1min
Tamara Yatsenko, Liudmila Smorodina, Olesya Zhurakovskaya
Sergei Loznitsa
Продолжительность сеанса
2h 1min
Tamara Yatsenko, Liudmila Smorodina, Olesya Zhurakovskaya
In the Donbass, a region of Eastern Ukraine, a hybrid war takes place, involving an open armed conflict alongside killings and robberies on a mass scale perpetrated by separatist gangs. In the Donbass, war is called peace, propaganda is uttered as truth and hatred is declared to be love. A journey through the Donbass unfolds as a chain of curious adventures, where the grotesque and drama are as intertwined as life and death.
The „absurd, grotesque, comical – even incomprehensible – events are factual and those who experience them find it hard to believe that they are part of their lives,” says director Sergei Loznitsa, winner of the Best Director in the Un Certain Regard Competition at Cannes.
The „absurd, grotesque, comical – even incomprehensible – events are factual and those who experience them find it hard to believe that they are part of their lives,” says director Sergei Loznitsa, winner of the Best Director in the Un Certain Regard Competition at Cannes.
Возрастные ограничения
Год выпуска
Global distributor
Edition Salzbeger
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
В кино c