Entre tinieblas (1983), directed by Pedro Almodóvar, is a dark comedy-drama set in a convent run by a peculiar group of nuns with unusual habits and vices. The story follows Yolanda, a nightclub singer who seeks refuge at the convent after accidentally causing her boyfriend's overdose.
As she adjusts to her new surroundings, Yolanda discovers that each nun harbors unique eccentricities, from drug addiction to romantic obsession. Amid this chaos, unexpected bonds form, and the film explores themes of redemption, desire, and rebellion against societal norms, all infused with Almodóvar’s trademark blend of humor and melodrama.
В кино c 29.12.2024
Entre tinieblas
Entre tinieblas
чёрная комедия
Pedro Almodóvar
Продолжительность сеанса
1h 54min
Cristina S. Pascual, Julieta Serrano, Marisa Paredes
чёрная комедия
Pedro Almodóvar
Продолжительность сеанса
1h 54min
Cristina S. Pascual, Julieta Serrano, Marisa Paredes
Entre tinieblas (1983), directed by Pedro Almodóvar, is a dark comedy-drama set in a convent run by a peculiar group of nuns with unusual habits and vices. The story follows Yolanda, a nightclub singer who seeks refuge at the convent after accidentally causing her boyfriend's overdose.
As she adjusts to her new surroundings, Yolanda discovers that each nun harbors unique eccentricities, from drug addiction to romantic obsession. Amid this chaos, unexpected bonds form, and the film explores themes of redemption, desire, and rebellion against societal norms, all infused with Almodóvar’s trademark blend of humor and melodrama.
As she adjusts to her new surroundings, Yolanda discovers that each nun harbors unique eccentricities, from drug addiction to romantic obsession. Amid this chaos, unexpected bonds form, and the film explores themes of redemption, desire, and rebellion against societal norms, all infused with Almodóvar’s trademark blend of humor and melodrama.
Возрастные ограничения
Запрещен к просмотру лицам до 12 лет
Год выпуска
Global distributor
Tallinnfilm OÜ
В кино c