Set in the future on a war-ravaged Earth, four soldiers man Sentinel – a remote military base in a vast ocean
that separates two warring continents. They await the relief or the enemy, whichever comes first. But as the empty weeks turn to months, a paranoia descends testing relationships to breaking point.
Whilst their tour of duty ended 3 months ago, the relief crew still hasn’t shown up. Alone and uncertain as to their fate, the simmering tension amongst the crew only escalates when a mysterious boat drifts into range – is it the help they have been waiting so long for, or something far more sinister?
The Last Sentinel
The Last Sentinel
фантастика, триллер
Tanel Toom
Продолжительность сеанса
1h 52min
Kate Bosworth, Thomas Kretschmann, Lucien Laviscount, Martin McCann
фантастика, триллер
Tanel Toom
Продолжительность сеанса
1h 52min
Kate Bosworth, Thomas Kretschmann, Lucien Laviscount, Martin McCann
Set in the future on a war-ravaged Earth, four soldiers man Sentinel – a remote military base in a vast ocean
that separates two warring continents. They await the relief or the enemy, whichever comes first. But as the empty weeks turn to months, a paranoia descends testing relationships to breaking point.
Whilst their tour of duty ended 3 months ago, the relief crew still hasn’t shown up. Alone and uncertain as to their fate, the simmering tension amongst the crew only escalates when a mysterious boat drifts into range – is it the help they have been waiting so long for, or something far more sinister?
that separates two warring continents. They await the relief or the enemy, whichever comes first. But as the empty weeks turn to months, a paranoia descends testing relationships to breaking point.
Whilst their tour of duty ended 3 months ago, the relief crew still hasn’t shown up. Alone and uncertain as to their fate, the simmering tension amongst the crew only escalates when a mysterious boat drifts into range – is it the help they have been waiting so long for, or something far more sinister?
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Global distributor
Estonian Theatrical Distribution OÜ
Estonian Theatrical Distribution OÜ
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